Apple recently unveiled the new iPad 2, causing once more delirium to its fans. The new device by Apple offers cool new features, as well as upgrated hardware, compared to the old iPad. However, do these additions make iPad 2 worth buying, specially for those who already possess an iPad?
The new iPad has a dual core processor that, makes it almost two times faster than its predecessor, a 9.7-inch touchscreen with a resolution of 1024x768. While the quality of the screen is pretty good, the clarity is not as high as the Retina Display on iPhone 4. Moving on to one of the coolest new features, iPad 2 has two cameras, one on the back (720p video recording) and one on the front (VGA mostly for video chatting). The battery life of the new iPad is more or less the same with the first one, that is approximately 10 hours even if you watch movies or listen to music, so the hardware upgrades haven't caused any major cutbacks to the battery's durability. Comparing to its predecessor, iPad 2 is way thinner and lighter and its more steady, too. It lays flat better while iPad 1 is wiggling when you hit the corners.
Furthermore, the mobile safari browser, which Apple uses for iPad 2, is one of the fasters and most elegant I've seen. The increase in RAM ensures the browser does not refresh the page every time you switch tabs, a quite annoying issue in the previous iPad. In addition, the upgrated hardware also affects the graphics capabilities 9 times faster, making this change quite an important one, considering that there will soon be games specially designed for iPad 2 to reach its full potential. What is one of the most interesting things about iPad 2 is something called the magnetic cover, which is a smart cover of the front ( the screen). Besides protecting the screen it can be also used for different standing positions and it automatically cleans iPad 2 screen surface.
There are 18 versions of the new ipad, ranging from 16 up to 64 Gigabytes memory; some versions are just with wifi and some with the addition of 3G and the prices are from 500 up to 840 dollars (same with euros). With iPad 2 you can run approximately 350.000 applications, while 65000 of them were designed only for ipad. On the contrary when you use one of these new tablets you are limited to the Apple echo system and you can only use i-tunes as the music player.
To sum up, iPad 2 is really a fantastic gadget and keeps the momentum of ipad going but its not so revolutionary. So if you were waiting to buy a tablet and you can live in the limitations of Apple's product, this is your best option and you won't be dissapointed. But if you already have iPad 1 or an older tablet that still works then you may consider upgratting to this generation as unnecessary and skip it. Maybe it's better to save your money for ipad-3. :)
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